Build Laravel Vuejs like dislike system
Today we are going to build a Like and Dislike system. To implement this application, we use php framework Laravel and Progressive JavaScript Framework Vue.js. Prerequisites Laravel To Continue with this tutorial, you should have installed Laravel 8 in your pc. If you are still not installed Laravel in your machine you can configure it from here. Vue.jS You can refer the official Vue.js documentation from here. Setting up the Project First you need to create a new...
Laravel REST API with Passport Authentication
Today we are going to build a REST API using Laravel and Laravel Passport. To implement API, we use php framework Laravel , Laravel Passport and we use MYSQL to store our data. Prerequisites Laravel To Continue with this tutorial, you should have installed Laravel 8 in your pc. If you are still not installed Laravel in your machine you can configure it from here. Postman To test our API endpoints, you need a API Testing application like Postman. You can download Postman...
Angular Full Calendar with Node.js & MongoDB
In todays's tutorial, we are going to implement Full Calendar with Node.js & MongoDB. To implement API, we use light weight Node.js web application framework Express and we use MongoDB to store our Events data. Prerequisites Node.js To Continue with this tutorial, you should have installed Node.js in your pc. If you are still not installed Node.js in your machine you can download it from here. Mongo DB To Continue with this tutorial, you should have installed Mongo DB...
Laravel custom authentication system
In today's article, I am showing you how to implement custon authentication system in Laravel. Laravel has it's own in-built auth scaffolding which we can roll out with a single command but in here we don't use it here. Default Auth Note:Below Version 6 : You can roll out it by running below command: 1php artisan make:auth Above Version 6 : We have to use two commands, which provides the routes and layouts(views) for authentication endpoints. 123composer require laravel/uiphp artisan...
Deploying a Node.js App to Heroku
In today's tutorial, we are going to build an URL shortner app and deploy it to Heroku. To make the development process easier we'll be using lightweight web framework Express. Prerequisites * Git installed, and configured on your machine Git is a version controlling system that tracks each and every change you did you to files in a project. It keeps records on what the changes were did to files (what was added? what was removed), who made the changes, notes and comments about...
Build a full-stack web application with Nest.js and Angular
In todays's tutorial, we are going to build a full-stack web application using Nest.js and Angular. In here, we'll be building a simple contacts management web application in an Angular and Material Design interface retrieved from a Nest.js RESTful backend. Prerequisites Angular installed on your pc To proceed with this tutorial you need to Angular installed in your local pc. to check, if Angular is installed or not run below command in your terminal: 1ng version To install Angular in...
Build a Product Review REST API with Laravel
In todays's tutorial, we are going to build a product reviews API using Laravel. In this API,Users will be able to add, view, update and delete products and also they will also be able to rate and review a product. We will also be implementing authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to secure our API. Prerequisites Basic knowledge of Laravel Basic knowledge of REST APIs Creating new project First we need to create a new laravel project. To create new LAravel project run below command...
OTP Verification using Node and Express
In today's tutorial, I am going to show you how implement OTP (one-time-password) verification authentication using nodemailer module in node.js and express. Prerequisites Node.js To Continue with this tutorial, you should have installed Node.js in your pc. If you are still not installed Node.js in your machine you can download it from here. Initialize project So, to begin with we need initialize the project by running below command 1npm init -y On passing this your app will...
How to Integrate Owl Carousel 2 in Angular
In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to integrate Owl Carousel 2 in your Angular app. The ngx-owl-carousel-o library is going to help us create an Image slider in Angular. You can see a preview of this slider from here. Prerequisites Angular CLI installed on our system To continue with this tutorial you should have installed Angular CLI in your pc. If not run below command in your terminal 1npm install -g @angular/cli Create Angular Project I am going to implement this...
API Authentication with JWT and Passport
In this tutorial, I am going to show you how authenticate your API using JWT and Passport. JWT is an open standard that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. Prerequisites Node.js To Continue with this tutorial, you should have installed Node.js in your pc. If you are still not installed Node.js in your machine you can download it from here. Mongo DB To Continue with this tutorial, you should...