Top 10 Node.js Frameworks For Developers
In past few years, the use of Web Application has been rapidly increased. So developers have been searched for such kind of platform which is advance & provides flexibilty to develop advance Web Applications.So, Node.js has became the first selection of developers.Let's see why it becomes popular...
What is Node.js
Node.js is an Open-Source Cross-Platform Javascript run time environment which was built on Chrome’s V8 javascript engine.NodeJS framework became an extremely lightweight and efficient web application because of it's event-driven, non-blocking I/O.
Why Node.js
1. Scalability and robustness of the framework
2. You feel comfortable to work with it. Ok. Now we can move on to our list..

When we considering about the developers' community Express.js is the primary selection of many developers because of its speed, flexibility, and minimalism. And also it a robust and asynchronous MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework which can be used for both web and app development.

When we talk about the Real Time Application development we cannot forget about this amazing Full-stack framework also provides facility to simple and straightforward API that works in almost every service.It provides binary streaming between the web client and server.It can use to build score tickets,chatbots & dasboard APIs.Allow to use cutomize URL for web sockets.

Hapi.js is an another brilliant MVC level framework which can use with MySQL, Mongo & Postgres for building potential & static websites.It is an Open Source and also a server framework. It is most suitable to develop REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs, along with other software applications. It is easy to configure.

Koa.js developed by the person who are behind in Express.js.Koa is a lightweight extremely powerful middleware framework. It is a small, robust web framework. Koa can be used to develop potential web-based applications and APIs. It helps to improves the quality of web applications and error management.

Sails.Js is a another popular MVC level micro-framework that offers many features similar to Express.Js. Developers use this framework to develop Chat Applications, Multiplayer games and Dashboards. It allows developers to use with any database because of ORM (Object Rational Mapping) solution that comes with this framework. And other benifit of this framework is highly compatible with several front-end platforms than other frameworks.

NestJs is mainly focuses on developing progressive server-side applications. It uses TypeScript as it’s an only programming language. So,it comes with strong typing and combines elements of OOP(Object Oriented Programming), FP(Functional Programming) and FRP(Functional Reactive Programming). By using Nest CLI, you can easily integrate a lot of unique features.Both Angular & Nest use TypeScript, so,you will find more comfort when building your backend with Nest and AngularJs as your frontend.

Derby is a full-stack framework for writing modern web applications. It allows you to add functionalities via NPM to your Derby,js project. Derby is ideal for developing real-time collective applications. You can use Derby for building both web and mobile applications. Features such as data syn., real-time concurrency, make possible to develop multi-websites with this framework.

Adonis.js is an another popular MVC level Node.js framework, capable of building an REST API with JWT authentication and database access. It is highly recommended for developing scalable server-side web applications by writing few lines of codes. It has same structure as Laravel framework and it allows developers to write effective SQL Queries. It has it's own CLI. Easily handle & explore data from Databases like SQLite and Postgres because it uses ORM technique.

This Full-stack framework is a one of the fundamentals of NodeJs frameworks. It uses MongoDB as its Database by default. Meteor.js is a perfect collection few amazing framework such as Mode.js + Blaze/Angular/React + Cordova + MongoDB. Blaze, Angular, React use for front-end development & Cordova uses to develop Hybrid Applications. This amazinf framework allows you to share same API in both Server & Client side. When you use Meteor.js in Mobile Development, application don't need to update.

LoopBack is known for being an highly-extensible API framework, backed by IBM. This open-source framework allows developers to create dynamic REST APIs with a minimum or no knowledge of coding. It allows to share models with client and server. This is use by some major companies like companies such as GoDaddy, Symantec and IBM. It can also connect with several databases such as Oracle, SQL, and MongoDB.
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