In our previous article, we learned how to setup cloudwatch container insights for our eks cluster using Fleuntd. In this article, we will learn how to work with log groups and metrics cloudwatch container insights in depth. Let's get started.


  • You need to have an EKS cluster with Clouwatch Container Insights enabled. If you don't have one, you can follow this article to setup cloudwatch container insights for your eks cluster.
  • Access to Clouwatch Dashboard

    To access cloudwatch dashboard, you need to login to your aws console. Once you are logged in, you can access cloudwatch dashboard by clicking on the cloudwatch icon on the top right corner of the console.

    Access to Cloudwatch Container Insights

    To access cloudwatch container insights, you need to click on the Container Insights option on the left side of the cloudwatch dashboard. When you click on the Container Insights option, you will be redirected to the cloudwatch container insights dashboard. On their you can see all the container resources avaliable for your cloudwatch enabled clusters. In our case, I have two cluster and my container insights dashboard looks like this.
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    If you need to get resources for a specific cluster, you can select the cluster from the Filter by cluster dropdown

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    If you need to get map view. You can click on the Map view button on the top right corner of the dashboard.

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    If you need to get performance monitoring. You can click on the Performance monitoring button on the top left corner of the dashboard and choose the cluster and the resource you need to monitor.

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    Create Custom Dashbaords

    It's better to have custom dashboards for your resources becuase it's gives better insights about your resources. Here I have included some sample queires for creating custom dashboards for your resources. You can use these queries to create your own dashboards. You can use Logs Insights section to create your own dashboards by using below queries.

  • Avg Node CPU Utlization
  • Log group: /aws/containerinsights//performance
    Widget Type: Bar

    STATS avg(node_cpu_utilization) as avg_node_cpu_utilization by NodeName
    | SORT avg_node_cpu_utilization DESC
  • Container Restarts
  • Log group: /aws/containerinsights//performance
    Widget Type: Table

    STATS avg(number_of_container_restarts) as avg_number_of_container_restarts by PodName
    | SORT avg_number_of_container_restarts DESC
  • Cluster Node Failure
  • Log group: /aws/containerinsights//performance
    Widget Type: Table

    stats avg(cluster_failed_node_count) as CountOfNodeFailures 
    | filter Type="Cluster"
    | sort @timestamp desc
  • Container CPU Usage
  • Log group: /aws/containerinsights//performance
    Widget Type: Bar

    stats pct(container_cpu_usage_total, 50) as CPUPercMedian by kubernetes.container_name 
    | filter Type="Container"
  • Application log errors
  • Log group: /aws/containerinsights//application
    Widget Type: Bar

    stats count() as countoferrors by kubernetes.container_name 
    | filter stream="stderr"
    | sort countoferrors desc
  • Disk usage by container name
  • Log group: /aws/containerinsights//performance
    Widget Type: Pie

    stats floor(avg(container_filesystem_usage/1024)) as container_filesystem_usage_avg_kb by InstanceId, kubernetes.container_name, device 
    | filter Type="ContainerFS"
    | sort container_filesystem_usage_avg_kb desc

    You can find more queries here


    In this article, we learned how to work with log groups and metrics cloudwatch container insights in depth. I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section below.